Sunday, January 26, 2014

Goals? What Goals?

Happiness and Health
Status quo. No fevers. No complaints.

12 5K's in a Year

Word Counts
I say I'm a write but I don't write.

Snow Days=9  Come on already!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post MFA Residency Blues

Goals Update:

Happiness and Health
Child #2 is sick with some nastiness. She's running a 102.5 fever. We're off to the pediatricians tomorrow.  Child #1 is hating all things common core.

12 5k's in a Year
Missed two weeks because of my trip. I should be at week 3 but restated the program back to week 1.

Word Counts

*Snow Days=5! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

NYE and Graduation

Happy New Year! 

How did I spend my NYE without my honeybun at home? I took my two monkeys to see Frozen and had dinner at Noodles and Company. Everyone was in bed by 10pm.

Goals Update:
Happiness and Health
Kids are healthy and relatively happy without Daddy.

12 5k's in a Year
Week 1 Couch to 5k complete

Word Counts
I wrote about 5,000 words of my MG novel that  I've been trying to finish since I started grad school. For reasons unknown to me, trying to finish this story feels like I'm peeling skin from bones. I need to rethink my direction. 

I'm on my way to my MFA graduation. Wish me luck! 

Snow Days=still 2 but that might change tomorrow!!