Sunday, February 23, 2014

A New Direction

I'm putting all my YA and MG writing on a shelf, and writing romance full time now.  I think I might be writing Erotic Romance. My plan for the next week is to read some titles and compare my work. 

February, still fuck you. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Husband!

Today is my husband's 41st birthday.  The kids and I spoke to him on Skype, the first time in a few weeks, and we all had a good time "visiting" in person.

Health and Happiness
We all are much happier now that we saw the big cheese live on Skype.

12 5K's in a Year
Don't ask. It's pathetic. Just pathetic.

Word counts
Something interesting is happening. I've steered way off course in my writing. I think I'm writing romance. I think I'm writing steamy romance. And I think I really like it.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hello, Feburary

Guess what? More snow! That's not excitement. It's total disgust.

Happiness and Health
The snow and yawning stretches inside is wearing on us all.

12 5K's in a Year

Word Counts
I wrote about 1,000 words of vomit. I started with two names and hammered at the keys for about a hours. I have no idea what I'm doing or where it's all going. For right now, I'm enjoying the ride.

Snow Days=Too Fucking Many!